Monday, December 29, 2014

Food: Soup - Instant Mami Noodles Soup + Leeks


- 1 pack of instant mami noodles (a lot of this is available in the Philippines, choose the one with less artifical and toxic additives)
- 1 cup of leeks

noodles soup plus leeks


- cooking container
- water (amount depends on the instruction written on the noodles' pack)
- stirring ladle
- knife
- cup for the leeks
- bowl for the soup
- chopping board


1. Boil the water in the ccoking container.
2. When the water boils, put the noodles into the container
3. The noodles will be softened in an instant, add the leeks.
4. Read and follow the instructions on how many minutes to boil the noodles and when to add seasoning.
5. When cooked, pour it on the cup/s for serving

noodles soup with leeks

It can be added to the dishes during meal time or eaten alone during snack time.

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