Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Food: Tricks - Of raw and hard-boiled eggs

- In order to peel hard-boiled eggs easier, add some salt to the boiling water while cooking the eggs.

- Prevent the white of the egg from seeping out from the shell during cooking by adding a teaspoon of salt or few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to the boiling water.

- To determine whether the egg is cooked/hard-boiled or not, you may spin it on its end. The cooked/hard-boiled egg will spin firmly while the fresh/uncooked egg wiggles following the force of the liquid materials within it.

-  To test the egg for freshness, put the egg in a container of cold water. The fresher the egg the faster it will get to the bottom. If it floats on the water, it suggests that the egg is destroyed or rotten.

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