Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Organic Food: Salad - Arosep Salad (Arosep or Ar-arosep is Ilokano term for Sea Grapes/Green Caviar)

Arosep is a juicy green seaweed with sour taste. It is perfect to be consumed during sunny day or hot/warm season no wonder why it is one of the favorite foods in the tropical islands during summer time.

After buying it from the market, it is advisable to consume it immediately because it continues to lose water content when stocked for more hours.


- 1/4 kilo of arosep seaweed
- 1 medium size onion
- 1 medium size tomato
- 2 medium size leeks
- 3/4 teaspoon of salt
- 2 calamansi or 1 medium lemon
- 2 tablespoons of fish sauce (optional)
Arosep, Green Caviar, Sea Grapes


- 1 bowl to contain the seaweed and other ingredients
- kitchen knife and chopping board
- mixing spoon


1. Wash the seaweed.
2. Dice onion, tomato and leeks and then put them into the bowl.
chopped leeks

3. Sprinkle the salt, pour the fish sauce, and squeeze out the juice of the calamansi over the seaweed salad.
4. Mix all the ingredients inside the bowl and serve in two.

Consume with rice during meal time.
arosep, ar-arosep, green caviar, sea grapes, edible seaweed
Arosep Salad

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